How Loud Are Electronic Drums How To Make Electronic Drums Quieter

Electronic drums are becoming more popular among aspiring and experienced drummers alike. The versatility and convenience that electronic drums offer make them a great choice for a variety of situations. But one thing that tends to hold people back from buying electronic drums is the noise. How loud are electronic drums? And is there anything you can do to make them quieter? In this blog post, we’ll explore all of your questions about electronic drum noise and provide some tips on how to make your setup quieter. Read on to learn more!

How loud are electronic drums?

Electronic drums are usually pretty loud. If you’re looking for a quiet practice setup, or if you live in an apartment and don’t want to be too loud, there are a few things you can do to make your electronic drums quieter.

First, invest in some good quality drum pads. The thicker the pad, the quieter it will be. You can also buy special sound-dampening pads that go under your drumhead to help absorb some of the noise.

Second, make sure your drum module is properly set up. Many modules have options for adjusting the volume and sensitivity of the pads. By turning down the volume and sensitivity, you can significantly reduce the amount of noise your drums make.

Third, use headphones when you practice. This way, only you can hear the drums, and not your neighbours!

Finally, keep in mind that even though electronic drums may be louder than acoustic drums, they’re still much quieter than most other instruments. So as long as you’re not blasting them at full volume all the time, you shouldn’t have any problems with noise complaints from your neighbours.

How Quiet Is An Electronic Drum Kit?

An electronic drum kit can be as quiet as you want it to be. If you want to practice without disturbing others, or if you need to be quiet for a gig, there are a few things you can do to make your electronic drums quieter.

First, use headphones. This will isolate the sound and prevent it from bothering others. You can also buy special pads that muffle the sound of the drums. Finally, make sure your electronic drum kit is set up properly. If the drums are too close to each other, they will produce a louder sound.

How to make electronic drums quieter?

If you play electronic drums, chances are you’ve wondered how to make them quieter. After all, they can be quite loud, and if you live in an apartment or have sensitive neighbors, you may not want to disturb them with your drumming.

Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make your electronic drums quieter. Here are a few tips:

1. Use foam pads on your drums.

Foam pads are great for absorbing sound and reducing the volume of your drums. You can find these pads online or at most music stores. Simply place them on top of your drums and they’ll help to reduce the volume significantly.

2. Use mesh heads instead of rubber ones.

Mesh’s heads are much quieter than rubber ones, so if you’re looking for a way to reduce the volume of your drums even further, this is a good option. You can find mesh heads online or at most music stores as well. Simply replace the heads on your drums with mesh ones and you’ll notice a significant difference in volume.

3. Play with softer sticks.

Using soft sticks instead of hard ones will significantly reduce the volume of your drums. Soft sticks are widely available online or at most music stores and they’re relatively inexpensive. Give them a try and you’ll be surprised by how much quieter your drums sound.

4. Place rugs or blankets around your drums.

If you want to make your electronic drums even quieter, try placing rugs or blankets around them. This will help to absorb some of the sounds and make playing quieter for everyone in the room. Just make sure that the rugs or blankets don’t interfere with the movement of your drumsticks when playing.

Can Neighbors Hear Electronic Drums?

Depending on the type of electronic drums you have, and how they’re set up, your neighbours might be able to hear them when you’re playing. If you’re using an acoustic drumset with electronic drums, the sound will be louder and more likely to travel.

If you have an electronic drumset that’s entirely made of mesh heads, it will produce less sound than an acoustic drumset, but your neighbors might still be able to hear it if it’s not set up properly.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your electronic drums aren’t too loud for your neighbors:

– Make sure your drums are properly isolated. This means using pads or other materials to create a barrier between the drums and the floor/walls/ceiling. This will help absorb some of the sound and prevent it from traveling too far.

– Use lower volume settings on your electronic drums. This won’t make them completely silent, but it will reduce the volume significantly.

– Use headphones when playing your drums. This is the best way to ensure that only you can hear the sound of your playing.

In general, it’s always good to be considerate of your neighbours when playing any type of instrument, electronic or not. If you take the necessary steps to reduce the volume and isolate your drums, you should be able to practice and play without disturbing them too much.

Are All Electronic Drum Sets Noisy?

It’s a common misconception that all electronic drum sets are noisy. While it’s true that some electronic drums can be quite loud, there are ways to make them quieter. For example, you can use sound dampening pads or sound-isolating headphones. You can also adjust the settings on your electronic drum set to make it less loud.

Are Electronic Drums Loud Apartment?

There are a few things to consider when thinking about how loud electronic drums are in an apartment.

First, it is important to understand that electronic drums produce sound through speakers. This means that the volume of the sound will be determined by how high the volume is set on the electronic drum kit itself and on the speakers.

Second, it is important to think about where the electronic drums will be set up in the apartment. If they are close to walls or other hard surfaces, the sound will be amplified and may be more bothersome to neighbors. 

Finally, it is worth considering what kinds of sounds you are trying to create with your electronic drums. If you are looking for deep, thumping bass tones, you may need to look into getting a subwoofer to help amplify those sounds.

E-drum Decibel Test Review

We put the E-drum Decibel Test to the test, and here’s what we found!

The E-drum Decibel Test is a great way to find out how loud your electronic drums are. We found that it was very accurate, and it helped us to make our electronic drums quieter.

Here’s how it works:

First, you need to calibrate the decibel meter. To do this, you need to have a reference noise source that is known to be at a certain decibel level. We used a drum machine for our reference noise source.

Next, you place the decibel meter near your electronic drums and play them at their loudest volume. Make sure that you’re playing all of the drums equally loudly so that you get an accurate reading.

Finally, take note of the reading on the decibel meter. This is your loudness reading!

We tested several different electronic drum kits and found that they ranged from around 80 dB to 90 dB when played at their loudest volume.

However, we were able to make them significantly quieter by using lower volume settings on the drums themselves and by using sound-dampening materials like foam pads or blankets.

Soundproof Electronic Drums

If you’re looking for a way to make your electronic drums quieter, soundproofing is a great option. There are a few different ways to soundproof your electronic drums, and the best method will depend on the type of drums you have and the amount of noise you’re trying to reduce.

One way to soundproof your electronic drums is to purchase a soundproofing kit. These kits typically include foam pads that you can place under your drum heads, as well as other materials that will help to absorb the sound.

Another option is to build a frame around your drums using LED lights. This will not only help to absorb the sound, but it will also create a cool visual effect.

If you’re looking for a more permanent solution, you can install acoustic panels in your practice space. Acoustic panels are made of special materials that absorb sound, and they can be hung on walls or ceilings.

No matter which method you choose, soundproofing your electronic drums will help to reduce the amount of noise they produce, making it easier for you (and your neighbors!) to enjoy your music.


Electronic drums provide a great way to practice and perform without being too loud for the neighbors or your family. If you want to make them even quieter, there are several methods you can use such as using noise-dampening pads, muffling rings, soundproofing foam, and more.

With these tips in mind, you should be able to enjoy playing electronic drums quietly with ease. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and start jamming!

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